02 January 2024

Since Twitter is a Hellscape and Matt's here to privatize SFUSD out of existence

 I am going to start blogging again, for real! I've been on a social media hellsite but the Nazis there are getting me down.

Also, in December 2023 Matt and the gang presented a cuts and closures (blame the greedy unions) plan that cut 200 classroom teaching positions but retained two open positions for Assistant Superintendents, and I come back to my blog and I find schools were taking 25% budget cuts while 555 hired two new EDs (one for Looking Serious and Sad When Closing Schools and one for Screaming "EQUITY!!!" While We Disproportionately Underfund Schools in D10) in December 2021.

I suppose it's the nature of systems to resist change BUT.

ANYWAY, stay tuned for a partially finished post on Why TikTok Teachers Who Hate Kids Should Stop Demanding Total Compliance, and I will definitely be around for this year's budget cycle.