25 February 2024

Woke up spicy

I cannot express my contempt for folks who could never do my job who've spent years pushing a deficit-based, dubiously scientific but definitely politically conservative approach to reading pedagogy.

Imagine being a reporter who can't tell an ELD lesson from an ELA lesson and deciding that the problem with reading today is one (1) woman, who unlike you has spent her life listening to children.

Further imagine that you posit this woman is driven by greed while you work tirelessly to direct millions of dollars to wealthy Republicans and their publishing concerns.

Then imagine that you listen to one (1) podcast and decide you can do my job plus evaluate curriculum better than experts.

Unlike today's local Astroturf, I was here the last time we did this and I'll be here for the next reading war (I hope to retire by the fourth battle of my career). So don't come at me with exactly the same curriculum you've been selling since the 50s and insist I pretend it's something new because this time you call it science.

I hear SFUSD is planning voluntary summer PD on whatever they buy and let me assure you it is in their best interest to keep it voluntary so I don't show up (as a courtesy). The last time they made it mandatory they also started saying just entirely made up shit about English phonology and I'm afraid I was forced to derail that shit. I know it's tiresome af for everyone else there, but it is also super bad to teach teachers nonsense (that has the bonus of being kinda racist) and I am too ADHD to sit through that and crochet in silence.

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